-An ill-defined border with a broad zone of transition is a sign of aggressive growth . It is a feature of malignant bone tumors.-
-There are two tumor-like lesions which may mimic a malignancy and have to be included in the differential diagnosis. These are infections and eosinophilic granuloma. Both of these entities may have an aggressive growth pattern.
-Infections and eosinophilic granuloma are exceptional because they are benign lesions which may seem malignant due to their aggressive biologic behavior. These lesions may have ill-defined margins, but cortical destruction and an aggressive type of periosteal reaction may also be seen.
-EG almost always occurs in patients < 30 years and has to be included in the differential diagnosis of any bone lesion in a patient < 30 years.
-Infections have to be included in the differential diagnosis of any bone lesion at any age.
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