BI-RADS 3Probably Benign Finding - Initial Short-Interval Follow-Up Suggested:
A finding placed in this category should have less than a 2% risk of malignancy.
It is not expected to change over the follow-up interval, but the radiologist would prefer to establish its stability.Lesions appropriately placed in this category include:
-Nonpalpable, circumscribed mass on a baseline mammogram (unless it can be shown to be a cyst, an intramammary lymph node, or another benign finding),
- Focal asymmetry which becomes less dense on spot compression view
-Cluster of punctate calcifications
The initial short-term follow-up is a unilateral mammogram at 6 months, then a bilateral follow-up examination at 12 months and 24 months after the initial examination.
If the findings shows no change in the follow up the final assessment is changed to BI-RADS 2 (benign) and no futher follow up is needed.
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