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Sunday, July 4, 2010

anteror mediastinal masses could be remembered by nemonic
4 T's and 2 L
4 T's are Thymoma,Terrible lymphoma,Thyroid masses and Teratoma
while 2 L are
2 L are Lipoma,Lipomatosis and

CT scan of chest showing an anterior mediastinal mass (thymoma) in a patient with myasthenia gravis.
2-Mediastinal teratoma: Enhanced CT scan of the chest shows large, septated anterior

mediastinal mass containing fat and bony elements

3-Substernal thyroid. Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan reveals an enlarged thyroid gland extending inferiorly to the level of, and posterior to, the sternum (arrow). There is mass effect on the trachea, which is compressed and displaced toward the right.,%2520Tumor-like%2520Conditions%26image%3Dfig2%26locator%3Dgr2%26pii%3DS1933-0332(07)75511-8&usg=__uLfFVRE3__7U0tMAo_b468-jhbc=&h=152&w=200&sz=5&hl=en&start=3&itbs=1&tbnid=jHnWESUzdpIIyM:&tbnh=79&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsub%2Bsternal%2Bthyroid,ct%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1

4-Mediastinal lymphoma: Esophageal involvement by mediastinal lymphoma. CT scan in a patient with large cell lymphoma of the mediastinum shows extensive mediastinal adenopathy compressing the esophagus (arrowhead) and superior vena cava (arrow).

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