Monday, August 9, 2010

Aggressive periosteal reaction

Aggressive periosteal reaction (2)
- left: Osteosarcoma with interrupted periosteal rection and Codman's triangle proximally. There is periosteal bone formation perpendicular to the cortical bone and extensive bony matrix formation by the tumor itself.
-middle: Ewing sarcoma with lamellated and focally interrupted periosteal reaction. (blue arrows)
- right: Infection with a multilayered periosteal reaction. Notice that the periostitis is aggressive, but not as aggressive as in the other two cases.
-Fibrous dysplasia, Enchondroma, NOF and SBC are common bone lesions.They will not present with a periosteal reaction unless there is a fracture. If no fracture is present, these bone tumors can be excluded.

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