Monday, July 19, 2010


1-Do the examination in the up-right position.

2-measure the diameter of the dominent vein at the inguinal canal
if it is >2.5 mm = varicocele.
then ask the patient to do valsalva maneuver
if the diameter of this vein increased by more than one 1mm = varicocele.

3-Search of varicocele any where around the testicle (Tortuous anechoic tubular structures are demonstrated adjacent to the testis).

4-check presence of intra-testicular varicocele (Tortuous anechoic tubular structures are demonstrated inside the testis).

5-Do color doppler ultrasound to differentiate the following:
-venous channels from epidermoid cyst and spermatocele.
-stop type of flow from shunt type of flow.
-grading varicocele.
grade 1 : static
grade 2 :intermitent
grade 3 :continuous.

6- Then report on the testicles,epededymi and any abnormality could be detected such as hydrocele or abnormal skin folds thickening.

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