Thursday, November 18, 2010

Osteoarthritis at patellofemoral and medial compartments. No meniscal tear.

The axial proton density image with fat saturation shows loss of patellar articular cartilage focally at the median ridge and adjacent medial and lateral facets (long arrows). There is no articular cartilage loss at the lateral trochlea (short arrow). At the medial trochlear region (arrowhead), the intermediate signal represents pre-femoral fat pad, mimicking articular cartilage. The trochlear cartilage normally extends further proximally at the lateral aspect.
The sagittal proton density image with fat saturation, obtained near trochlear midline, illustrates the moderate (partial-thickness) articular cartilage loss, with subarticular bone marrow edema (arrow). At the most proximal patella, the articular cartilage remains normal (arrowhead). At the trochlear aspect, the prefemoral fat pad (arrowhead) contacts the patella. At the medial trochlea further distally, there was a small region of partial-thickness cartilage loss (not shown).

On coronal proton density image with fat saturation, mild (partial-thickness) articular cartilage loss is shown also in the medial compartment, femoral aspect (arrow). The vague region of signal loss at the lateral tibial plateau articular cartilage (arrowhead) is artifactual. The menisci are normal.

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