Saturday, September 25, 2010

Figure 1. PA (1A) and Lateral chest (1B) radiographs in a 64 year old lady with a chronic cough secondary to MAC. There is air space opacity in the middle lobe (solid arrows) and lingula (dashed arrows)old lady with a chronic cough. CT scan at the level of the left atrium demonstrates bronchiectasis and atelactasis in the middle lobe (solid arrows) and lingula (dashed arrows) and centrilobular nodules in the right lower lobe (arrowhead) secondary to MAC
Figure 1. Ultrasound of the scrotum. Sagittal image of the left testicle demonstrates ectasia of the rete testes (solid arrow) with intratesticular cysts (dashed arrow). This finding, in association with azoospermia, is suggestive of an obstructive etiology and is helpful in directing further work-up in the setting of infertility.

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