Monday, August 9, 2010

Location: epiphysis - metaphysis - diaphysis

Location: epiphysis - metaphysis - diaphysis
Only a few lesions are located in the epiphysis, so this could be an important finding.
1-In young patients it is likely to be either a chondroblastoma or an infection.
2-In patients over 20, a giant cell tumor has to be included in the differential diagnosis.
3-In older patients a geode, i.e. degenerative subchondral bone cyst must be added to the differential diagnosis.
4-Look carefully for any signs of arthrosis.
NOF, SBC, CMF, Osteosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Enchondroma and infections.
Ewing's sarcoma, SBC, ABC, Enchondroma, Fibrous dysplasia and Osteoblastoma.
-Differentiating between a diaphyseal and a metaphyseal location is not always possible. Many lesions can be located in both or move from the metaphysis to the diaphysis during growth.Large lesions tend to expand into both areas.

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