Saturday, July 17, 2010

Schematic representation of the topography of the main groups of perforating veins (PVs). Foot PVs: 1.1, dorsal foot PV; 1.2, medial foot PV; 1.3, lateral foot PV. Ankle PVs: 2.1, medial ankle PV; 2.2, anterior ankle PV; 2.3, lateral ankle PV. Leg PVs: 3.1.1, paratibial PV; 3.1.2, posterior tibial PV; 3.2, anterior leg PV; 3.3, lateral leg PV; 3.4.1, medial gastrocnemius PV; 3.4.2, lateral gastrocnemius PV; 3.4.3, intergemellar PV; 3.4.4, para-achillean PV. Knee PVs: 4.1, medial knee PV; 4.2, suprapatellar PV; 4.3, lateral knee PV; 4.4, infrapatellar PV; 4.5, popliteal fossa PV. Thigh PVs: 5.1.1, PV of the femoral canal; 5.1.2, inguinal PV; 5.2, anterior thigh PV; 5.3, lateral thigh PV; 5.4.1, posteromedial thigh PV; 5.4.2, sciatic PV; 5.4.3, posterolateral thigh PV; 5.5, pudendal PV. Gluteal PVs: 6.1, superior gluteal PV; 6.2, midgluteal PV; 6.3, lower gluteal PV.

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