Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Major anatomical boundaries of mesial temporal lobe on coronal MRI. A is the most rostral and H is the most caudal MRI section. Only MRIs displaying critical landmarks are shown. (A) The anterior border of the perirhinal cortex (PC) is located at the level of the limen insulae (LI). (B) The anterior border of the entorhinal cortex (EC) begins on average 2 mm behind the limen insulae. This coincides with the appearance of the temporal stem (TS). (C) Section through the hippocampal head (HH). (D) The posterior border of the EC is located at the posterior limit of the gyrus intralimbicus (GI) and coincides with the anterior border of the hippocampal body (HB). (E) The posterior border of the PC is situated 2 mm caudal to the posterior end of the EC. (F) The rostral border of the posterior parahippocampal cortex (PPC) is situated 1 mm caudal to the posterior end of the PC. (G) The anterior border of the hippocampal tail (HT) coincides with the crus fornix (CF) becoming fully visible. (H) The posterior border of the PPC is situated at the level of the posterior end of the hippocampal tail (HT). AM = amygdala; CS = collateral sulcus; FI = fimbria

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