Tuesday, March 23, 2010


1-1,Right lung. 2, Left lung. 3, Right ventricle. 4, Left ventricle. 5, Inferior vena cava. 6, Descending aorta. 7, Thoracic spine. 8, Rib. 9, Hepatic dome
2- 1,Lower lobe of right lung. 2, Lower Lobe of left lung. 3, Right ventricle. 4 Left ventricle 5,Inferior vena cava. 6, Esophagus. 7, Descending aorta. 8,Spine.9, Rib. 10, Liver

3 -1,Lung. 2, Spleen. 3, Stomach. 4, Esophagus. 5, Descending aorta. 6,Spine.7, Rib. 8, Liver. 9, Inferior vena cava. 10, Left hepatic vein. 11, Middle hepatic vein. 12, Right hepatic vein.

4- 1,Right lung. 2, Liver. 3, Inferior vena cava. 4, Right diaphragmatic crus. 5, Descending aorta. 6, Stomach. 7, Spleen. 8, Spine. 9, Rib. 10,Pleura.11, Latissimus dorsi muscle.

5- 1,Right lung. 2, Left lung. 3, Liver: right lobe. 4, Liver: left lobe. 5, Left portal vein. 6, Inferior vena cava. 7, Middle hepatic vein. 8, Right hepatic vein. 9, Descending aorta. 10, Stomach. 11, Spleen. 12, Latissimus dorsi muscle. 6- 1,Lung. 2, Right hepatic lobe. 3, Left hepatic lobe. 4, Left portal venous branch. 5, Fissure of ligamentum venosum. 6, Inferior vena cava. 7, Right hepatic venous branch. 8, Descending aorta. 9, Stomach. 10, Spleen. 7- 1,Lung. 2, Right lobe of Liver. 3, Left lobe of Liver. 4, Portal vein. 5,Fissure of ligamentum of venosa.6, Inferior vena cava. 7, Right hepatic venous branch. 8, Descending aorta. 9, Stomach. 10, Spleen. 11, colon. 8- 1,Lung. 2, Liver. 3, Liver: caudate lobe. 4, Portal vein. 5, Porta hepatis. 6,IVC.7, Right hepatic venous branch. 8, Descending aorta. 9, Stomach. 10, Spleen. 11, Diaphragm. 12, Splenic artery. 9- 1,Liver. 2, Portal vein. 3, Pancreas. 4, Inferior vena cava. 5, Descending aorta. 6, Stomach. 7, Spleen. 8, Right adrenal. 9, Left adrenal. 10, Splenic artery 10- 1,Right lobe of liver. 2, Left lobe of liver. 3, Portal vein. 4, Body of the pancreas. 5, Pancreatic tail. 6, Inferior vena cava. 7, Aorta. 8, Stomach. 9,10, Splenic artery. 11, Right adrenal. 12, Left adrenal. 11- 1,Liver. 2, Gallblader fossa (history of cholecystectomy , 3Right portal venous branch. 4, Portal vein. 5, Pancreatic tail. 6, Inferior vena cava. 7 Celiac artery. 8, Hepatic artery. 9, Descending aorta. 10,11, Splenic vein. 12, Spleen. 13, Right diaphragmatic crus. 14,15, Splenic artery. 12- 1,Liver. 2, Gallblader fossa (history of cholecystectomy). 3, Portal vein. 4,5, Pancreatic tail. 6Inferior vena cava. 7, Celiac artery. 8, Descending aorta. 9, Stomach. 10, Splenic artery and vein. 11,12, Right adrenal. 13, Left adrenal. 14, Diaphragm. 15, 13- 1,Liver. 2, Pancreatic head. 3, Inferior vena cava. 4, Aorta. 5, Small bowel. 6, Splenic vessels. 7, Splenich hilus. 8, Spleen. 9, Right diaphragmatic crus. 10, Left diaphragmatic crus. 14- 1,Liver. 2, Inferior vena cava. 3, Origin of the superior mesenteric artery. 4, Descending aorta. 5, Splenic vein. 6, Spleen. 7, Left adrenal. 8
15- 1,Liver. 2, Duodenum. 3, Inferior vena cava. 4, Aorta. 5, Superior mesenteric artery. 6 Colon: hepatic flexure. 7, Small bowel. 8, Splenic vein. 9, Spleen.
16- 1,Liver. 2, Ascending colon. 3, Transverse colon. 4, Superior mesenteric vein. 5, Inferior vena cava. 6, Superior mesenteric artery. 7, abdominal Aorta. 8, Small bowel. 9, Spleen. 10, Left renal vein. 11, Top of the left kidney. 12, Top of the right kidney. 17- 1,Liver. 2, Duodenum. 3, Inferior vena cava. 4, Aorta. 5, Superior mesenteric artery and vein. 6, Colon: hepatic flexure. 7, Small bowel. 8,9, Left kidney. 10, Spleen 18- 1,Liver. 2, Duodenum. 3, Inferior vena cava. 4, Aorta . 5, Colon. 6, Small bowel. 7, Kidney. 8, Spleen. 9, Spinal canal.
19- 1,Liver. 2, Small bowel. 3, Right kidney. 4, Left kidney. 5, Transverse colon. 6, Aorta. 7, Left renal artery. 8, Inferior vena cava. 9, Superior mesenteric vein. 10, Superior mesenteric artery. 11, Left renal vein. 12, Lumbar vertebral body. 20- 1,Rectus abdominus muscle. 2, External+Internal oblique muscles. 3, Grater ommentum. 4, Colon: hepatic flexure. 5, Right kidney. 6, Small intestine. 7, Left kidney. 8, Transverse colon. 9, Aorta. 10, Right renal artery. 11, Right renal vein. 12, Vertebral body. 13, Pedicle. 14, Lamina. 15, Spinous process. 16, Transverse process. 21- 1,Rectus abdominus muscle. 2, Internal oblique muscle. 3, External oblique muscle. 4, Transversus abdominus muscle. 5, Large intestine. 6, Right kidney. 7, Small bowel. 8, Psoas muscle. 9, Left kidney. 10, Left colon. 11, Aorta. 12, Inferior vena cava.
22- 1,Rectus abdominus muscle. 2, Transversus abdominus / oblique muscles. 3, Large intestine. 4, Small bowel. 5, Psoas muscle. 6, Iliac wing. 7, Aorta. 8, Right common iliac vein. 9, Left common iliac vein. 23- 1,Rectus abdominus muscle2, Transversus abdominus muscle / oblique muscles3, colon. 4, Small bowel. 5, Terminal ilum. 6, Iliac m. 7, Psoas muscle. 8, Iliac wing. 9, Iliac vessels. 10, Gluteus medius muscle. 24- 1,Rectus abdominus muscle. 2 Transversus abdominus muscle / oblique interne. 3, Cecum. 4, Bladder. 5, Iliac m. 6, Psoas muscle. 7, Iliac wing. 8, Iliac vessels. 9, sacrum.
25 -1,Rectus abdominus muscle. 2 oblique and transverse abdominis m. 3, Psoas muscle. 4, Iliacus m. 5, Bladder. 6, Iliac wing. 7, Gluteus minimus m. 8, Gluteus medius muscle. 9, Gluteus maximus m. 10, sacrum 26 -1,Rectus abdominis m. 2, Bladder. 3, Small bowel. 4, Iliac wing. 5, iliac vessels. 27- 1,Rectus abdominis m. 2,internal oblique m. 3, Bladder. 4, v. iliaca externa. 5, a. iliaca externa. 6,iliopsoas m. 7, Acetabulum. 8, Glutaeus medius m. 9, Glutaus maximus m. 10, Sacrum. 11, Rectum
28- 1,prostate. 2, symphysis pubis. 3, Femoral v. 4, Femoral a. 5, Sartorius muscle. 6, Iliopsoas m. 7, Rectus femoris muscle. 8, Obturator internus muscle. 9, Femoral head. 10, Femoral neck.
29 -1,Gluteus maximus muscle. 2 Obturator internus m. 3 Rectum. 4 Obturator externus m. 5 Femoral v. 6 Femoral a. 7 Sartorius m. 8 Rectus femoris m. 9 Tensor fascia lata muscle. 10 Femur. 11 tuber ossis ischii. 30- 1,Femoral vessels. 2 Sartorius muscle. 3 Rectus femoris muscle. 4 Tensor fascia lata muscle. 5 Femur. 6 Inferior pubic ramus. 7 Gluteus maximus muscle.

Reference:mksforum by amr dora


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  4. I am 29 years old and have been diagnosed with breast cancer, ease of treatment and a similar story, except for my first acceptance as a rejection of herbal medicine. I was not part of the Perseid movement and did not really build relationships with any of them, I just believed in their operation. I say this because it was during the use of Dr. Itua herbal medicine that I now attest that herbal medicine is real, the phytotherapy Dr. Itua heal my breast cancer which I suffered for 2 years. Dr. Itua herbal medicine is made of natural herbs, with no side effects, and easy to drink. If you have the same breast cancer or any type of human illness, including HIV / AIDS, herpes cancer,Ovarian Cancer,Pancratics cancers, bladder cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Autism,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,psoriasis ,Tach Diseases,
    Dementia.kidney cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, skin cancer and skin cancer.testicular Cancer, , LEUKEMIA, VIRUSES, HEPATITIS, INFERTILITY WOMEN / MAN, LOT OF LOVE, LOTTERY. ITS CONTACT EMAIL / WHATSAPP: info@drituaherbalcenter.com Or drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com/ +2348149277967
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    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma,Oral cancer,Sinus cancer,Hepatitis A,B/C,Skin cancer,Soft tissue sarcoma,Appendix,Spinal cancer,Stomach cancer,Vaginal cancer,Vulvar cancer,Testicular cancer,Tach Diseases,Leukemia.

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