Saturday, October 31, 2009


This is a hamartomatous overgrowth of a part or all of a cerebral hemisphere . There is an enlarged hemisphere with enlarged lateral ventricle (Figure ). Posterior falx and occipital lobes are usually displaced to the opposite side. Cortex may be thick, dysplastic or pachygyric. Heterotopias may be present. T2 images may show abnormal signal due to abnormalities of myelination, gliosis or calcification. It may be associated with hemimaxillary or hemimandibular overgrowth. It needs to be differentiated from hemiatrophy involving the contralateral side and hemimegalencephaly associated with tuberous sclerosis. In tuberous sclerosis, the other clinical and radiological findings of tuberous sclerosis are easily identifiable.
Figure : Hemimegalencephaly. A, T1 weighted axial spin echo image. B, Coronal FLAIR image. Note the enlarged right hemisphere with enlarged right lateral ventricle.

Reference:The Internet Journal of Radiology™ ISSN: 1528-8404

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