Monday, October 5, 2009

Fungal Sinusitis

Click on the image to enlarge
1-Click on the image to enlarge.
2-Then,localise the lesion you see(where is it).
3-It is a completely opacified left maxillary sinus and mucosal thickening of the right maxillary sinus.
4-Then ,characterise these lesions
When we look to the density of left sinus component and that of right sinus mucoca you can easly suggest that these densities are hyper dense if compared to surrounding soft tissue.
As a rule hyperdense opacified sinus is a benign sign which could be due the following
-Inspissated secretions.
-Fungal or
After contrast injection no enhancement noted denoting no masses.
According to the history of the patient we can know the exact cause of this appearance.
In such a case bilaterality of the lesions with right mucosal thickening can exclude blood in case of absence of history of trauma.On the other hand,absence of history of immuno suppresive disease could exclude fungal infection and so on.

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