Monday, October 5, 2009

Breast Calcification

Breast Calcifications
Amorphous or Indistinct Calcifications:
These are often round or 'flake' shaped calcifications that are sufficiently small or hazy in appearance that a more specific morphologic classification cannot be determined.
Coarse, Heterogeneous Calcifications:
Irregular calcifications with varying sizes and shapes that are usually larger than 0.5 mm in diameter.
Fine, Pleomorphic or Branching Calcifications:
Fine pleomorphic calcifications are more conspicuous than the am orphic forms.They vary in sizes and shapes and are usually smaller than 0, 5 mm. Fine branching calcifications are thin, linear or curvilinear, may be discontinuous and smaller than o, 5 mm. Their appearance suggests filling in of the lumen of a duct involved irregularly by breast cancer.
Benign Calcifications:
Benign calcifications are usually larger than calcifications associated with malignancy. They are usually coarser, often round with smooth margins and are much more easily seen.
When you describe an abnormality (mass, architectural distortion, focal asymmetry or calcifications) always use the standard BI-RADS descriptors and mention the lesion size and location.

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