Wednesday, March 30, 2011
ADC map differentiation between tumoral and non tumoral tissue
ADC MAP DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN TUMORAL AND NON TUMORAL TISSUE: -With high cellularity lesion , has a low ADC map value resulting in hypo intense signal. -While in low cellularity lesion such as edema , inflammation , fibrosis , and necrosis shows high ADC map signal.

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Vertebral body hemangiomas are the most common tumors of the spinal axis and in most circumstances are incidental findings. Most hemangiomas are diagnosed based on their characteristic imaging findings, though the diagnosis can be challenging in cases of atypical or aggressive hemangiomas. In such cases, the recognition of vertically oriented coarse bony trabeculae surrounded by fatty stroma, resulting in the "salt and pepper" appearance on axial images and a striated appearance on coronal or sagittal images, is the key to the correct diagnosis. Though rare, aggressive hemangiomas can be symptomatic and pathologic fractures can lead to myelopathy and cord compression. In such patients, MR accurately displays the extraosseous extension of the hemangioma and its effect upon the spinal canal and cord.
Atypical hemangioma

Typical hemangioma

On plain radiographs, hemangiomas often have a vertically striated appearance due to thickening of bony trabeculae. This appearance has been described as "corduroy cloth" or "jail bar" and the overall density of the vertebral body is decreased due to the presence of fatty marrow.
With CT, vertebral body hemangiomas have low attenuation interspersed with thickened bony trabeculae, causing a characteristic "salt and pepper" or "polka dot" appearance on axial images.
With MR imaging, the intralesional fat of the hemangioma causes increased signal intensity on T1 weighted MR images.4 On T2-weighted images, the signal intensity of the hemangiomas also increases because of high water content,4 and the T2-hyperintensity is typically greater than that of fat, thereby differentiating hemangiomas from focal fat deposition.
These signal characteristics also differ from those of metastatic lesions, which have decreased signal intensity on T1 weighted images and increased signal intensity on T2 weighted images.
These signal characteristics also differ from those of metastatic lesions, which have decreased signal intensity on T1 weighted images and increased signal intensity on T2 weighted images.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Finding Early Invasive Breast Cancers: A Practical approach,mammography%26hl%3Dar%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1
please click on the above link,then go to right column under this article and click figure only.
please click on the above link,then go to right column under this article and click figure only.
Friday, December 24, 2010
inferior gleno-humeral ligament tear

inferior gleno-humeral ligament tear
supra-spinatous tendon(anatomy)

supra-spinatous tendon tear (partial)
Friday, November 26, 2010
breast cyst
breast fibro-adenoma,fibro%2Badenoma%26hl%3Dar%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=0h3wTOH6HoqUOvPmrfIJ
breast abscess
D.D. of spiculated breast mass
D.D. of spiculated breast mass
1- carcinoma.
2-radial scar.
3-fat necrosis.
1- carcinoma.
2-radial scar.
3-fat necrosis.
breast fat necrosis,ultrasound%26hl%3Dar%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=-gfwTMiPCcOcOqzipPoJ
breast amartoma,ultrasound%26hl%3Dar%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=-gfwTMiPCcOcOqzipPoJ
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cystic mass with fat-fluid level galactocele. (a) Mammogram reveals an oval circumscribed mass with the characteristic fat-fluid level (arrows). In this type of galactocele, the milk content is fresh and fluid, allowing the fat to rise and the heavier water content to remain in the lower portion of the cyst. (b) US image also demonstrates the fat-fluid level (long arrows), with typical high and low echogenicity. Note that the fatty component has risen and occupies the upper (nondependent) portion of the cyst, whereas the heavier water content remains in the lower (dependent) portion. Note also the clot of fatty milk (“cream”) (short arrow) floating in the nondependent portion of the cyst owing to its intermediate density.
breast,plasma cell mastitis
breast,plasma cell mastitis
breast,duct ectasia,breast%26hl%3Dar%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=2mbuTMDcK9GB4Qam6anHCg
breast,duct ectasia,breast%26hl%3Dar%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=AmbuTOzKB8SB4Qa5poWkCg

Images of a 4-mm benign intraductal papilloma in a 46-year-old woman with recent onset of reproducible dark sanguinous discharge from the right nipple. The mammogram and US image (not shown) were unremarkable. (a) Craniocaudal digital galactogram obtained with the patient in a prone position shows a 4-mm rectangular filling defect (arrow) with a smaller round bubble (arrowhead) immediately inferior to it. (b) Paired craniocaudal stereotactic images show the filling defect (arrows) and bubble (arrowheads); targeting was performed by using these paired images.
breast,intra-ductal papilloma
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